How to assign a printer to a connector

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to add a printer to a connector and set up the local connection to the printer.

  1. Log in to the Princh Administration Panel as an administrator and navigate to the "Connectors" tab located in the menu to the left.

  2. Select the connector where you want to add the printer and then click "+ Add new printer".

  3. From the list of available printers, click "+Add" on your desired printer. The list only displays printers not currently assigned to a connector.
    1. For information on how to create a new printer, follow THIS guide. 

  1. If the printer has not previously been connected through Princh, a local connection to the printer must be configured for the printer to work.
    1. If your printer supports the IPPS or IPP protocol AND has support for native PDF printing, a direct network connection is highly recommended. To configure the printer using a direct network connection please follow THIS guide.
    2. If your printer does not meet both of these requirements, but is instead configured using a Windows print queue on the print server running the connector, you may follow THIS guide instead to set up a local print queue connection.

Once the printer connection has been configured, it is important to restart the connector to confirm the changes. Simply click the "Restart Connector" button and the restart process will take about 20 seconds. To confirm that the printer is online and ready, go to the "Printers" page from the left-hand menu and check for a green tick next to the printer's name. 

If any additional help is needed with assigning a printer or setting up a local connection, please don't hesitate to reach out to Princh Support.